Page 6 - Martial Science Magazine August DiG
P. 6



                                                       Kihon (基本) literally translated from Japanese means basic
                                                       or foundation. The more solid the base is, the more martial
                                                       practice will be sustained. In traditional Karate, the Kihon is

                                                       constituted by three fundamental pillars, which are: Shizen
                            By Henry Binerfa           (Posture), Kokyu (Breathing), Aruki (Walking). Mastering
                             Martial Science
                           Magazine Director           these three groups would undoubtedly make it much easier for
                                                       us to go through the techniques of Kata and Kumite. If in some

                                                       way it is possible to summarize the art of Karate, we could say
                                                       that Karate is made up of Kihon, Kata and Kumite.
                         “...“Kihon Dosa Wo

                 Mamoru”. No descuidar el              The Kihon exercise consists of repeating, repeating and repeat-
                  entrenamiento básico....”            ing the basic techniques again and again. In the ShinKaiDo
                                                       Ryu, the Kihon is performed following its technical order es-
                                                       tablished in the initial part of each class. With his constant
                                                       practice the perfection of the movements is achieved , the

                                                       character of perseverance and the attitude of the spirit of the
                                                       warrior is forged.

                                                       In the ShinKaiDo Ryu the Iji Ai are part of the so-called group

                                                       of Hitori Waza (Techniques performed with an invisible part-
                                                       ner) and make up the first group of the technical arsenal in the
                                                       ShinKaiDo Ryu teaching system, this is where the technical
                                                       elements of Atemi and Uke Waza are , besides the stances, and


                        Martial Science Magazine, Volume 28,ISBN-13: 978-1987445244, ISBN-10: 1987445244,  is Published Bi-monthly,
                       (February, April, June, August, October, and December) by Martial Science Publications LLC., Phone: (702)439-9071
                            Website: - Email: All rights reserved.

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