Page 33 - Martial Science Oct 2017
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operated schools, produced Black Belts, Mas- Honor” and the unveiling of yet another His-
ters, State and national Champions. A Hall of torical First! “The Grand Masters Cup”
Fame that did not give the same award to ev-
ery attendee, but made a clear distinction be- For Johnson (Grandmaster and SEIEIDO-Sho-
tween Grandmasters, Masters, and Black Belts dai Soke) it’s been an amazing journey since
during the presentation of awards. A Hall of discovering his love of martial arts on May
Fame that would only be held every 3 years 10, 1959. He has studied more than a dozen
to insure the existence of qualified candidates systems, met, trained with, and learned from
and not become a needed income generator. some of the greatest martial artists that ever
lived, enjoyed the privilege of teaching thou-
In 2014 the “Hall of Masters” was established sands, received a few awards, took the good
and the “Elite Black Belt Hall of Fame” became with the bad, and never quit. It may certain-
a reality on October 12, 2014. This was a “Red ly seem as if he’s “Living in the Hall of Fame,”
Carpet, Black Tie, Elegant Evening” complete but as Johnson puts it, “It’s not really about
with Taiko drummers, magnificent awards, the recognition and awards, though they are
a beautiful dinner, entertainment, dancing, wonderful, it’s about becoming better than
and champagne. Just as it was in 2014, the you were yesterday, never ceasing to be in-
2017 event will be proceeded by a 3-Day “Elite quisitive, demanding the best and accepting
Black Belt Camp.” These camps are open to all nothing less, inspiring others so that they may
styles, ages, and competency levels. realize their full potential, making a positive
impact, and leaving a legacy.”
In 2014 The Hall of Masters introduced the
“EBBY” (Elite Black Belt of the Year) and intro-
duced to the world the Official “International
Martial Arts Medal of Honor.” The first “EBBY”
was awarded to Grandmaster Mark Shuey, Sr.
and the “Medal of Honor” was presented to a
select few, including the Uruguay Director of
SEIEIDO Miguel Correa, the Argentina Direc-
tor of SEIEIDO Juan Martin Alvarez, Grand-
master Jim Buhisan, Dana Stamos, and Fresno
Police Chief Jerry Dyer.
The 2017 Hall of Masters will see the first pre-
sentation of the “EMY” (Elite Master of the
Year), the presentation of more “Medals of
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