Page 29 - Martial Science Oct 2017
P. 29
by the popular “Munich Hall of Honors” ran by
Gregor Huss. All are fun and attract a partic-
ular segment of the martial arts world. How-
ever, the hardest Hall of Fame to be inducted
into would be the Martial Arts History Muse-
um’s “Hall of Fame” ran by President Michael
Following the Martial Arts History Museum
“Hall of Fame” would be the “Hall of Mas-
ters” Elite Black Belt Hall of Fame, founded by
Johnson. This particular Hall of Fame only in- In 2011 IIMAA Hall
ducts and recognizes Legitimate and fully vet- of Fame recognized
ted Masters and Grand Masters. It also awards him as “Organiza-
significantly different awards so as to differ- tion of the Year”
entiate between Masters and Grand Masters. for his Internation-
Nominations are not accepted. It also reserves al Elite Black Belt
the unique awards, such as the “EBBY,” “EMY,” Camps.
“Medal of Honor” for the most senior of Grand
Masters and Masters. In 2012 he was in-
ducted into the USA
Martial Arts Hall of
Besides Johnson’s 1996 induction, he has re- Fame and named
cently been inducted into the following; “Grand Master of
In 2009 Johnson was inducted into the “Mas- the Year.”
ters Hall of Fame” and received the “Pioneer
Award” for developing the World’s FIRST In 2012 he was also
Complete online Martial Arts Training pro- inducted into the prestigious WHFSC Hall of
gram. Fame and named “Grand Master of the Year.”
In 2010 he was inducted into IIMAA Hall of In 2013 he was inducted into the world’s most
Fame and “Soke of the Year.” selective Hall of Fame, The Martial Arts Histo-
ry Museum Hall of Fame. Their quote: “Rec-
In 2011 and 2013 he was inducted into the Ac- ognized by the Martial Arts History Museum
tion Martial Arts Hall of Honors. as the “official Hall of Fame” for the martial
arts community in America, the MUSEUM