Page 27 - Martial Science Oct 2017
P. 27
Grand Master Dave Johnson
(Shodai Soke), Creator of
the “SEIEIDO” Martial
Arts System, and a
martial artist with
more than 58 years
of experience in the
arts, the journey alone
has been mesmerizing and
fulfilling to say the least. How-
ever, for the last 10 years, it has
seemed as though he’s been “Living
in The Hall of Fame.” Since being in-
ducted into his first Martial Arts Hall
of Fame in 1996 (The World Martial
Arts Hall of Fame), and being named
“Master Instructor of the Year-Tae-
kwondo,” he has been inducted into
11 additional Hall of Fames, receiving
multiple awards and additional rec-
ognition from several year after year,
and has appeared on three magazine
Johnson does not consider himself Arts Hall of
better or more special than anyone Fame events
else, he simply views these recent each year and
Hall of Fame events as strange kind a few of them are attended more
of fun get-togethers of like-minded than others. Alan Goldberg’s “Ac-
martial art enthusiasts who share tion Hall of Honors” is by far the
many of the same values. For ex- largest, followed by Jim Thomas’s
ample, nearly every month you will “USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame”
find the well know Don Wilson and which is the oldest. Then there is
Cynthia Rothrock attending some the highly respected “World Head
type of Hall of Fame event. Those of Family Sokeship Council” ran by
two are truly living in the Hall of Soke Frank Sanchez, which is very
Fame. difficult to be inducted into be-
cause you must be a system found-
There are a number of Martial er or system head. This is followed
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