Page 23 - Martial Science Oct 2017
P. 23

What was your most powerful                                         Wu Wei
              memory from that time?
              build me. I found a way to deal Journey of the Changing Path

              Kung Fu and Tai Chi helped re-

              with my persistent depression.             Justin Waggle’s Journey Enters the Realm of Gaming
              My  will  became  indomitable.
              My  reflexes  improved  and  I                   my training. It struck me that these ordered sys-
              became demonstrably smarter. I really can’t say  tems could be broken down and simplified into
              enough  good  things  about  the  experience.  Sijo  shapes and that those shapes would then be go-
                                                                                            verned  by  outside
                                                                                             forces  as  well  as
                                                                                             the  intentions  of
                                                                                             the  players.  In  a
                                                                                             lot  of  ways,  Wu
                                                                                             Wei  is  my  wor-
                                                                                             king  model  of  the
                                                                                             universe based on
                                                                                             Taoist  themes  and
                                                                                             martial  arts  prin-

                                                                                             How does Wu Wei
                                                                                             differ  from  other
                                                                                             games?       Why
                                                                                             should    schools
                                                                                             and parents look
                                                                                             at it?
              Carl  Totton  is  a  Grandmaster  in  Kung  Fu  and
              holds in black belts in several other disciplines so  Wu Wei is rooted in philosophy. I’ve noticed that
              what we are learning is a distillation of his 50+  other games about martial arts tend to focus on
              years in the martial arts. He’s a bad dude and  spectacle and a sort of fantasy version of martial
              the most accomplished man I’ve ever met. A true  arts. Wu Wei can really get you to think like a
              inspiration!                                     martial artist. This emphasizes the warrior-scho-
                                                               lar over the athlete.
              What other arts have you delved into if any?
                                                               Do you think this game will create a new para-
              Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Kenpo, Lima Lama               digm for young martial artists? Can it compete
                                                               with smart phones, etc.?
              How did these experiences become of all things
              a board game?                                    Martial  arts  is  an  evolving  living  thing.  Every
                                                               generation is going to be experiencing it in a di-
              I woke up one morning with this crazy idea about  fferent way. It used to be more of a secret and if
              making a board game. It had been percolating for  you got anything you were happy. Now it’s wides-
              quite some time as I was trying to make sense of  pread but the real stuff gets drowned out in the

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