Page 22 - Martial Science Oct 2017
P. 22
What was the paradigm of
martial arts at that time?
Everyone had seen The
Karate Kid so Karate was
pretty popular at the time.
I wasn’t really aware of
martial arts at the time.
What drew you to the
I never had any intention
of being a martial artist.
I came to my school (The
Taoist Institute) because
of my interest in Taoist
will not only entertain but teach some- What was your first style?
The school offered Kung Fu, Kenpo, Tai Chi, and
Justin Waggle has created just that pro- Qi Gong and I started taking everything right
duct. It was funded successfully on Kic- away. It turned out to be an experiential educa-
kstarter and for good reason. Read and
see… With whom did you study?
Could you share a brief family background with Sijo Carl Totton.
our readers? Did it meet your expectations? Was the fact very
different from the fantasy in your case?
I was born in 1980 and grew in Sacramento, CA
with my mom and my little brother. We visited my I didn’t really have any expectations. I had no-
dad every other weekend and he’s always been in thing to compare it to but I’m keenly aware when
my life. someone is putting me on. I could tell right away
Was anyone in your family involved in martial that this was the real deal. There was very little
arts before yourself? ego at this school. Sijo and his black belt instruc-
tors really inspired me to continue learning I was
My brother took Karate for a few months when in a really bad place when I started at the school.
we were kids. It was never offered to me actua- I was depressed and out of shape. I actually al-
lly (laughs to himself)! I think my mom thought most threw up the first day. I was 28 years old on
it would give my brother discipline. I sort of flew my first day and I thought I was in good shape.
under the radar in that way. As long as I made Boy was I wrong (more laughter)! Fortunately,
grades and stayed out of trouble I was fine. Other I’m the type of person that loves a challenge and
than that I’m the first and currently the only it turns out that martial arts has become a life-
martial artist in the family. long pursuit.