Page 7 - Martial Science Oct 2017
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took the responsibility of preserv-
ing the legacy of Sensei Morita.
Each generation preserved not
only the original techniques
taught by Sensei Morita, but also
perfected everything they learned Next to Soke Dave
by developing new skills, com- Johnson organizer of
bining techniques and making the Elite Black Belt
endless variants. Thus, the art of Hall Of Fame. Where
the Tambo Jutsu stopped being a was the book Tambo
small branch of martial arts to Jutsu Vol 1 Atemi
become a very complete system of and Uke Waza. A
self-defense. fantastic evening at a
spectacular event.
With this brief introduction I
invite you to read Tambo Jutsu
Atemi and Uke Waza Vol 1, and I
wish you can enjoy these 140 pag-
es and 493 photographs that illus-
trate the techniques in a way that
is easy to understand and practice
regardless of the practitioner’s lev-
el, sex or age.
Henry Binerfa | Publisher/CEO
Martial Science Publications, LLC
A great honor for me that Dr. Robert Goldman have my book in
your collection.
OCTOBER/2017 7