Page 17 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2015 #12
P. 17

The Chemist  is  not simply  (Redemption,  Gangland)  and
             award-winning  Director  Art  Art Camacho, clearly had a vi-
             Camacho’s  latest, and  most  sion in constructing this film,
             anticipated  film:  it  is  by  far  which is evident in the cohesi-
             his  best  to  date.  Combining  veness of the plot and the vi-
             the  haunting  cinematogra- sual “feel” of the staging and
             phy and stellar talent of ano- action. The opening grabs the
             ther award-winner, Director of  viewer by the throat and lar-
             Photography Carmen Cabana,  gely  drives  forward  with  the
             with  a  well-paced  story con-  pedal  halfway  to  all-the-way
             ceived  by  Camacho  himself,  down through a tale of assas-
             The Chemist mixes a labora-      sination  and  character  trans-
             tory  of  ingredients  that  are  formation.
             absolutely  explosive:  a  dri-
             ving,  twist-laden  plot;  inten- World  kickboxing  champion
             sity of emotion; jaw-dropping  and action star Olivier Gruner
             action; and a visual feast that  (Crooked) plays his best role
             frames  the  mood  of  many  to date as  Ronus  Steele,  an
             powerful  scenes,  from  the  assassin  of  finesse  working
             suspenseful to the sensual.      for the shadowy organization
                                              Blackstone.  Steele’s  superior
             Executive Producers Shuriz  Frank  Castle (Martin  Kove,
             Hishmeh  and  Joe  Navarra,  best known for his role as the
             along with Producers Al Bravo  evil  Sensei  in  Karate Kid)  is
             (The Chicago 8), Tom Renner  forced to order Steele to take
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