Page 29 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2015 #11
P. 29
Martial Arts: An Evolutionary Practice
By: Valery Prosvirov
Hello, my name is Valery Prosvirov, Headmaster there is darkness over someone else’s. Doesn’t
and owner of the Golden Dragon school of Chine- everybody deserve to enjoy the sun? And serious-
se Martial Arts located in the Brentwood section ly, have you ever truly thought about the expres-
of Los Angeles, California. sion - “I’ll do what I want.” How that sounds? You
will eat what you want, sleep when you want ...
Dzidu Krishnamurti once said: “To do what you will not think about the money, but simply buy
want - a real slavery, but to do what is necessary - a new car when the old one runs out of gas. You
this is true freedom.” These words of wisdom can will be thinking more about yourself than about
be difficult to comprehend in the world of today others. Maybe as a counter balance you’ll take
with all of it’s materialism and need for immedia- some yoga classes and meditate the mantra, “I’m
te gratification. It’s easy to get confused between not a selfish person, I’m not a selfish person…wow
what we want and what we need. Satisfying need that was easy!” Or maybe instead of the pursuit of
requires effort, whereas in satisfying desires we money for money’s sake, you will be creative and
look for the easiest means to the end: in other useful to others, you will become “usefully crea-
words laziness. tive”. Maybe invent a new car, think Tesla…why
not? A valiant pursuit, but ... and there is always
We complicate our lives by storing too much an unpleasant BUT! It is constantly telling us that
useless information and leaving little room for with any worthy cause, most of the time spent is
useful knowledge that can help us to grow. We’re devoted to things that we do not want to do. May-
always on the go, waking early, working late and be 20% will go into creativity, while the remainder
not having enough time for the important parts of the time is spent in annoying routine: negotia-
of life. Neglecting to spend time with loved ones tions, agreements, signatures, approvals, accoun-
while rationalizing that making money for them ting, control to name a few of the mundane tasks
somehow justifies the lack of time spent with one must perform to run a successful business.
them. They are not happy and neither are you. You
dream that one day all of your efforts will pay off
and you’ll be a hero!
Achieving balance should be the goal of one’s life.
To live at the extremes in hopes that one day this
will bring balance is how life ends with regrets; of
promises unfulfilled.
But let’s assume for a moment that one can achie-
ve balance by extremes, allocating all of your time
to work, neglecting loved ones for the promise of
getting rich. Ok so now you’re rich, how do you
repair relationships with your children who grew
up without you? A spouse who no longer remem-
bers why she fell in love you. What about the great
Remember that while the sun is over your head,
OCTOBER/2015 29