Page 32 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2015 #11
P. 32
Teachings of the Budha
The Story of the Hoe
By Master Cheng Yen
Translated by C.Y. Tien
then, he would rush back home just to feel the hoe
A farmer plowed the land with a hoe day after and then return to the temple.
day, year after year. The work was hard, but the
harvest was plentiful. And yet, one day he couldn’t Time passed by quickly. After seven or eight years,
help but ask himself, “Why am I working so hard? he felt that something was missing. “Why haven’t
Life is meaningless and boring! Where is my life I fulfilled my dream of becoming a free, happy
heading?” monk after having tried very hard to cultivate my
morality? There is something I haven’t let go of.
Shortly afterwards, a monk came to his house to Now it’s time to get rid of my burden!” He rushed
ask for alms. The monk looked free and happy, back home, picked up the hoe and threw it into a
which deeply impressed the farmer. Being a lake. Splash, there it went! “I won! I succeeded!” he
monk and living an unencumbered life seemed couldn’t resist crying out loud.
admirable. Yes, what a good idea! The farmer
cheerfully made up his mind to give up everything Just at that moment, a king, leading his victorious
and become a monk. army, happened to pass by. He overheard the cry
and went to ask the monk, “What did you win?
As soon as he left his house, he suddenly felt how Why are you so cheerful?” “I have conquered the
empty his hands were. He was so used to holding devils in my heart. I have let all my burdens go.”
a hoe in his hands to work that without the hoe
he now felt a little lost. Therefore, he went back The king saw that the monk was really happy and
to his house, picked up his hoe, and tried hard to free from earthly burdens and delusions. The king
think of what he could do with it. It was a fine hoe. thought to himself, “Now I’ve won the war. Victory
The shaft was smooth and shiny from daily use. It is mine. But am I really happy? I took lands that
would be heartbreaking to throw it away. didn’t belong to me. It is not real victory.” Then and
there, the king realized that although he had won
“OK, then,” he thought, “I’ll wrap it up and put it the war, he was not a real winner, but a common
away.” He found a secure place in the house to person burdened with life’s vexations. He realized
hide it. Now everything was settled. With his mind that in order to become a real winner and a saint,
at ease, the farmer left his house at last. you have to conquer the devils in your heart.
The farmer did all he could to fulfill the
requirements to be a true monk. However, he
could hardly resist thinking of his hoe whenever
he came across green paddies. Every now and