Page 19 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 JUL Cover DIG
P. 19
What do you teach in seminars?
As the entire Uechi-Ryu world train only in a hard path, I emphasize in the soft. It is not because I don’t believe in
the hard but if you already know about hard, I need you to know and understand soft. The hard half is elementary
because you stand your ground and try to overpower your opponents. The most important component is strength.
Soft is the upper half of our system which very little people know and understand. Soft does not stand in the way of
this macho hard. Soft is about skill with timing to use the attackers hard, mindless strength and guide attacks away
while having the soft positional movements to take your opponents out.
Thanks, Any last words
Train often and with an open mind. Do not train for the ability to fight and beat others. Train hard so you will not
need to fight.