Page 14 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 JUL Cover DIG
P. 14
many of us and a form
of pHysical and men-
tal well-being.
beginning mar-
tial arts training
can awaken seniors
to untapped abilities.
seniors wHo may feel
Hesitant because of
age will feel more
confident if tHey
simply relax and en-
joy tHeir new experi-
ence. under a good
instructor, improve-
ment comes fast, as
do tHe benefits of
eacH-and-every min-
ute spent training.
of course, tHe
obvious benefit of
martial arts is learn-
ing How to defend
oneself, an important
skill in a day wHen
street criminals of-
ten target seniors
as easy pickings. you
will learn self-de-
fense skills sucH as eye
strikes, breaks, locks,
kicks and puncH-
es. perHaps more im-
portantly, a compe-
tent instructor will
teacH seniors How to
recognize and avoid
tHreats in tHe first
place. if you Happen
to rely on a cane or
walking stick, you
may find tHat it be-
comes not only a tool
to Help maneuver-
ability but a letHal
martial arts weapon
as well.