Page 12 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 JUL Cover DIG
P. 12



             SCHOOL BENEFITS

                                                      By Jim Dartt and Ed Ricciuti

                            ave you fallen during tHe  a  wide  cHoice  wHen  look-
                            past  year?”  tHe  question  ing  for  a  martial  art  tHat
              “Hwas asked by a HealtH in-                       matcHes tHeir pHysical con-
               surance  representative  of  a  septua-          dition. along witH tai cHi,
               genarian wHo Had applied for a pol-              seniors  can  opt  for  wing
               icy. “Hundreds  of  times,”  tHe  senior  cHun,  wHicH  is  anotHer
               replied.                                         soft  style. wing cHun  is  a
                                                                particularly flexible system
                      tHere  was  an  audible  gasp  on  tHat  is  readily  adaptable
               tHe  otHer  end  of  tHe  line. tHen  tHe  to  seniors. tHe  name  itself,
               senior explained tHat He practiced a  wing cHun, means “eternal
               martial art and regularly did break-             springtime”.  wing  cHun
               falls and rolls during tHe course of  doesn’t rely on strengtH to
               training. He furtHer explained tHat,  be  effective. wing cHun  is  centered
               indeed,  He  Had  taken  an  acciden-            on  efficiency,  balance,  position,  and
               tal spill on an icy driveway but Had  leverage.
               rolled  out  of  it  and  come  up  witH
               only a sligHt bruise – mucH more sat-                     if    Hard  styles  interest  you,
               isfactory tHan a broken Hip or otHer  consider muay tHai  wHicH  is  an  an-
               serious injury tHat many seniors expe-           cient  combat  sport  tracing  back
               rience from falling.                             centuries  in tHailand. muay tHai  is
                                                                gaining  in  popularity  for  fitness.  it
                      scientific  studies  Have  demon-         combines puncHes, elbows, knees and
               strated tHe efficacy of martial arts  kicks  to  overcome  opponents.  fol-
               training in Helping seniors cope witH  lowing tHe basics of tHe sport, a se-
               falls. one study by tHe university of  nior can generate a balanced work-
               wisconsin  scHool  of  medicine  and  out in an Hour or less at tHe gym or
               public  HealtH  stated,  for  example,  at Home.
               tHat  even  after  six  tai  cHi  classes,
               seniors  sHowed  a  mucH  better  sense                 combat (cHon-tu kwan) Hap-
               of balance tHan before tHey started.             kido  blends  elements  of  botH  Hard
                                                                and  soft  styles.  it  is  an  extremely
                      wHile superb exercise for mind  realistic  and  versatile  self-defense
               and body, tai cHi is a gentle martial  discipline  tHat  includes  a  variety  of
               art. martial arts styles range from  strikes,  kicks,  joint  locks,  pressure
               low-impact to tHose tHat are intense  points  along  witH  ground  survival
               and pHysically demanding. tHere are  and disarming tecHniques.
               soft  and  Hard  styles,  meaning  basi-
               cally  Hard  contact  or  little  con-                  wHatever  art  a  senior  picks,
               tact, respectively.         seniors      Have  any  can  Help  build  strengtH  and  se-

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