Page 13 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 JUL Cover DIG
P. 13
cure one’s balance, developing core ule tHem. if you cannot find one, go
muscles tHat are especially import- to one tHat is adults only. as con-
ant for equilibrium. movements, sucH fidence and skills progress you will
as kicking and puncHing incorporate find yourself comfortable around
spinning, Hip rotation, sHoulder ro- students of all ages, botH sexes and
tation, and stepping, all of wHicH ability levels. business-savvy in-
support balance and prevent falling. structors realize tHat seniors can
if a fall does occur, its impact will be be a vital part of tHeir program and
lessened and controlled by simple re- a way of attracting otHer students.
petitive learned tecHniques, sucH as often, for instance, a parent or
rolls and breakfalls. grandparent will bring in offspring
or grandcHildren to join tHe scHool.
most martial arts can be indi-
vidualized to matcH a trainee’s pHys- tHe psycHological benefits of mar-
ical level and tecHnical abilities, tial arts for seniors are as important
and are adaptable to different ener- as tHe pHysical. are you running your
gy and impact levels. wHatever tHe own life or is it a trap tHat is running
art, its style and substance is less you? martial arts Helps seniors de-
important tHan tHe quality and na- velop a sense of being in command of
ture of tHe scHool and instructors. life, a feeling tHat can sometimes slip
a scHool’s culture is very import- away witH tHe years. martial arts
ant. wHen visiting a scHool, cHeck will do mucH more tHan making se-
out not only instructors but tHe niors tecHnically skilled and pHysi-
students to make sure you fit in and cally fit. tHe culture witHin tHe art
are comfortable witH tHem. it may is a life experience tHat allows prac-
be a cHallenge to find classes only titioners to live only in tHe present
for seniors but some scHools scHed- wHen needed, a great release for
JULY/2019 13