Page 4 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2014 #5
P. 4


                                                        mit of the martial arts. When I draw attention to
                                                        my own errors, at once, I engaged in a battle to be-
                                                        tter up such improper posture; from that moment
                                                        on, there was not a minute in my life, be it awake
                                                        or put to sleep, which I did not make good use of to
                                                        progress and surpass my own self; and this revela-
                                                        tion was not given by any master but in dreams, as
                                                        from the stars.

HOW DID THE FIGHTER’S EGO DIE?                          Been away on one of my seminars, I had a dream,
                                                        which I believed could be a nightmare for some
There is a moment on the practice of martial arts,      people; but, I rather looked into it as the sweet tea-
in which the practitioner feels untouchable, his in-    ching that cuts off the ego’s illusion once and for all.
ner being is absolutely full of power; at times, he     I dreamt of the place where a fighter grows, an
feels even on top of his own master, and looks at       unorganized place, full of people with different
him upon his shoulder; he might feel superior to        personality traits, a very noisy place which used
everyone around him.                                    to get noisier after every combat; of course, there
The acid test of the martial artist begins right here;  were also cigarettes’ smoke, alcoholic breathing
it is here where a true Budoka shows up. The tru-       and sweat smell. I was one of the instructors on the
th is that, after one wins 100 or 200 combats and       right corner guiding the major height and weight
proves the easy application of the techniques by        fighter; it was then, that a man came and ordered
one’s own experience, a gentle reliability inundates    me to end the combat, he set up that there was an
one’s being and the ego of the practitioner begins      unbalanced weight and height and that it might be
to grow; he stars to visualize thousands of illusory    against the established fighting rules, so, it would
matters; but, one day, the least expected event will    be better to stop the combat.
happen, and those illusions will kill you. I also fou-  I agreed, and I headed towards the fighters to in-
ght against my ego once; I struggled against my in-     form them; but, something unexpected happened;
ner demon, which made me failed to the real sum-        the fighter on the opposite corner started to yell at
                                                        me, he even pushed me; from that moment on, my
                                                        ego started to operate and with a reckless face, I in-
                                                        quired him if he knew who I was, I also asked him
                                                        if he wanted to fight with me. I made him know we
                                                        will do it without any protection; I only claimed to
                                                        fight on one’s own; hand to hand, and he accepted.
                                                        His eyes were red of rage and expressed his wish
                                                        for defeating me. His gaze revealed that he not only
                                                        wanted to physically damage me, but to end with
                                                        my prestige and honor. Immediately, he pulled
                                                        out his gloves and the fight started. I was absolu-
                                                        tely self-reliant and calmed, I gleamed by the first
                                                        punches using graceful and timely movements; I
                                                        looked like a bullfighter against the beast.

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