Page 5 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2014 #5
P. 5
But as inexplicable as death, as quick as a lighting, Martial arts are neither combat nor techniques to
and as real as my suffering my rhythm stopped, I kill; they are a great deal more; to me as to many
noticed that my hand was full of fecal grounds, I other people, they are the cure for the soul. It is
looked to my stomach and the scarf of an old sur- Zen Buddhism motion; it is the betterment of one’s
gery was completely opened, I could see my insides mind, heart and spirit.
perforated. Then, I felt how I declined; I smoothly
watched how things moved away, I turned my head “Who is Masutatsu Oyama? Who
right and left, and I saw and unending sea of blood am I? I am not a person with a great
around me, and my opponent was there, making ability for leadership, neither a bu-
fun, pointing, and shouting at me; and then, I co- siness man nor a politician. So, Who
From that very instant, I only remembered a few am I? I am a Bugeisha, someone
things about my dream, but I have blunt remarks of who fights wherever it might be, all
my Sempai’s face, my boy came closer, he took my
hand; and my last thought was “Have fun, follow the time. I am a person who only
the road” it was addressed to him. After this, my trains budo; but, a skillful gunman
eyes closed forever. turns weak when he gets old, and
When I opened my eyes and realized that nothing
had happened, that I was not death; I felt that so- a horse cannot be good forever.
mething inside me had changed forever, something So, what does a Bugeisha do when
had happened inside me. I immediately remem-
bered Sosai Masutatsu Oyama’s speech, where he he finds someone stronger than
confessed that in the middle of the night, he had him?”...
had a period of analysis and self-criticism.
“Who is Masutatsu Oyama? Who am I? I am not Perhaps you don’t find the necessary literary cha-
a person with a great ability for leadership, neither racter on this essay, it may even sound nonsense to
a business man nor a politician. So, Who am I? I introduce a personal dream; but, maybe the mes-
am a Bugeisha, someone who fights wherever it mi- sage hidden within these words can help you not
ght be, all the time. I am a person who only trains to get lost in your journey; they can also help you
budo; but, a skillful gunman turns weak when he try what others have already felt; of course, you will
gets old, and a horse cannot be good forever. So, realize that to go through these stages is regular;
what does a Bugeisha do when he finds someone and one needs to outdo all obstacles at any cost.
stronger than him?”
The speech was delivered by Sosai Masutatsu Oya- What I have covered on these two pages is only the
ma on May 10th, 1978 on Nara, former capital of truth about the events which helped me to value
Japan; it was part of a public seminar and lasted the “Do”, I advise you to change the characters of
about two hours; he did it as usual, straight from the story and to perform the role of the defeated
the heart, unplanned, without any notes to assist fighter, then, try to feel such pain and find the res-
himself. ponses to the inquires on this text; I am sure, you
Sosai’s self inquires served me a starting point to will learn something that you did not expect, ex-
begin my intern investigation; I have to confess plore yourself, get to know yourself better.
how much I learned from this inquiry.
By: Henry Binerfa
OCTOBER/2014 5