Page 47 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2014 #5
P. 47

THE MEDICINE WARRIOR-Massages in martial arts

Currently, it becomes difficult to   flexible body is a flexible mind”,   “Bodhidharma” who made great
find time to meet our inner be-      for all corporal attitudes and sen-  contributions to the art. It was
ings, since we take a lot of res-    sations will move forward a simi-    then, that Buddhism Chan Zen
ponsibilities on oneself, and it     lar mental state; if our bodies are  emerged.
turns almost impossible to relax     rigid, it is likely that our minds   Bodhidharma also contributed
by listening to some music or        turn rigid too, in short. It means   to introduce de Chan medita-
to go for a walk; So, the practice   that we can establish a mental,      tion, the great parchments on
of massage is the perfect way to     spiritual and physical balance by    medicinal techniques related to
connect ourselves and find a ba-     means of massage.                    combat martial arts, some issues
lance between us and our souls;                                           about the art of the muscular fle-
so that, we get to know the ma-      INTERN KNOWLEDGE ON                  xibility of the body (yijin jing)
chine which guides our sensa-        MARTIAL ARTS                         and how to wash the spinal cord
tions, emotions and experiences.                                          (Xi sui jing).
The massage operates as a dis-       The famous temple of Shaoling        One can yet find some of this
charge that helps you to get rid     became popular for its Kung Fu       knowledge alive at some martial
of all the stressful situations you  practice. It is located by the Nor-  arts, it certainly highlights the in-
accumulate, and from other dai-      thwest in the province of He-        tern treat, So that, exercises and
ly responsibilities. By means of     nan close to Luoyang; legendary      massages carried out pre, while
the body we can experiment di-       accounts link its origin to the      and post in a training session, can
fferent sensations and thoughts;     spread of Buddhism from India        still be found. In our art Bugeiko,
Sensei Shugendo used to say at       during the tenth year of the Taihe
(Junan-Taiso) lessons that “A        age, with the figure of

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