Page 25 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 FEB DIG
P. 25

thorities were very suspicious of such activ-  sessed was tossing a 50-cent coin straight
                   ity.  We  will  bow  low  and  address  “SIFU”  in  through a kerosene tin, which was taught to
                   front of every one. At the association we ad-  me as well. Think it’s called, “fei-piau (flying
                   dress our two Sifu as SENG-KOR and MOK- knife)” in Mandarin.
                   KOR, the “KOR” means brother, as we have
                   our GM Li present at the association. How- Another  person  met  was  a Northern  style
                   ever when we are out on an engagement, we  Hung Kuen practitioner who, besides fist,
                   address them as Sifu.                          specialized in leg techniques as well. How
                                                                  good was he? He could  stand straight and
                   Ther were no tests per se. The practice of  slowly  lift  a  leg  from  his  side  all  the  way
                   Four Gates before learning any new sets is  above his shoulder without bending his knee.
                   testament to being graded. Remember that  Similarly, he can lift a leg straight up from
                   each sets of 2 minutes must be performed  the front to touch his head. He taught me
                   with full force. If not Sifu will NOT teach you  some basic kicks which he said was from his
                   any new chapter. So 2 minutes multiplied by  style of Hung Kuen.
                   4 gates is 8 minutes of full force. The Tiger &
                   Crane set has 118 steps taking over 3 minutes  Lastly I learned competition Wushu from
                   to practice one set. So Four Gates is over 12  China in the late 80’s while still learning in
                   minutes of full force training. Not easy.      Hung Kar Kuen. I I learned “Chang Quan”,
                                                                  “Nangquan”,and“Koon” as well, but have
                   12. have you dabbled in other arts?            since forgotten them as I have stopped prac-
                                                                  ticing them.
                   I picked up some boxing from friends who
                   have similar interests and also being influ- 13.  how  has  your  training  aFFected  you  in  your
                   enced by the late Cassius Clay in the 70’s.    proFessional and personal liFe?
                   At the same time, I met a few ‘society’ people
                   who were apt to getting into real fights to  These different arts and Sifu’s guidance have
                   keep their lives. After getting to know them  somehow instilled a very disciplined ap-
                   for a while, and after much persuasion, you  proach towards life and as a person, towards
                   can see the scars from blade wounds on their  most of everything I do. This discipline and
                   arms and torsos. Some had very meaningful  commitment has seeped into how I manage
                   tattoos as well, which signified their posi-   my work life, towards my family and friends,
                   tion. On a whole, most were put into that po- my lectures, my counselling work, etc. It has
                   sition in their lives. It was not of their choos- instilled in me to give utmost respect to my
                   ing. It was out of self-preservation.          GM Li, Sifu Yee Chuen Sen, Sifu Chang Sook
                                                                  Mook, and my seniors, brothers, students and
                   Other arts picked up in the early 80’s while  all fellow martial artists. It has also made me
                   at Petaling Jaya (Kuala Lumpur) was Jui-Jit- a more confident person in the way I handled
                   su, under the tutelage of Shihan GOH, a sixth  my family and work. Surprisingly, after prac-
                   Dan master trained in Japan. I spent one and  ticing Hung Kar Kuen for about two years,
                   a half years with him before coming back to  my childhood asthma and gastritis has all
                   Johor Bahru again. His training was tough,  gone!
                   twice a week. Besides rolling, we did about
                   100 to 150 throws and falls a night. In ad-    14. what  let  you  to wenwu? how  do  you  see  its
                   dition, knife edge (of the hands) hardening    value?
                   by striking a 4”x½” thick flat piece of steel
                   planted into the concrete floor, etc.          I left my association a couple of years after
                   Another art learnt was from a Mao-san priest,  my late masters passing away for personal
                   who was very apt with his straightened in-     reasons. I was an advisor in one of the youth
                   dex finger, which could smash through a sol-   programs, the Rakan Muda Wajadiri pro-
                   id pack of matchsticks lay flat on a table, and  gram to be exact, where I met young Shihan
                   knock it on a wall continuously till the ½” of  James. Even then, he was very enthusiastic
                   plaster all  came out. Another  skill he pos- about Bujinkan Ninjutsu. In later years I met

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