Page 20 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 FEB DIG
P. 20



             OF POWER … AND


             – SIFU GOH DOH LENG

             By Master Guy Edward Larke

                  or  those  not  Familiar  with malaysia’s     into a weapon, as much as a better person.
              Fcultural  makeup,  there  is  a  large  and  many schools claim these aspirations, but
               diverse  chinese  population  living  in  the    most Fail to deliver.
               tropical  southeast  asian  country.  with
               that  oF  course  brings  chinese  traditions,  as  part  oF  my  constant  martial  voyage  i
               theology,  values,  cuisine  and  oF  course…    met and was brought into wenwu, a ma-
               martial arts!                                    laysian  martial  arts  association  oF  the
                                                                most varied sets oF skills i ever had the op-
               when  i  was  young  and  people  mentioned      portunity to meet (and i have lived in ko-
               chinese martial arts one thought oF bruce        rea For 18 years now)! aside From comrad-
               lee, the kung Fu tv series, and Jackie chan.     ery and a healthy share oF humour, the one
               later came the advent oF “kung Fu inspec-        thing all the members share is a burning de-
               tor” Films with hybrid styles popping up For     sire to preserve as many martial traditions
               best eFFect onscreen. Jet li’s explosion into    as humanly possible. the First article was
               north america helped spread sport wushu  shihan  James  lee  peek-kuan.  this  article
               into the global spotlight along with don-        is  oF  one  our  older  brothers  who  is  truly
               nie yen’s portrayal oF wing chun icon, yip       a  living  encyclopedia  oF  inFormation  on
               man.  as  the  audience’s  tastes  driFt  From  chinese  Fighting  traditions  and  a  gentle-
               star – to – star and style – to – style, it’s    man to boot. he doesn’t brag about his ac-
               hard to Find really “hard core” old school       complishments or how amazing the world
               training  with  heart.  wanna-be  tough          should  praise  him.  instead  he  reveres  all
               guys  slapping  their  students  around  is      who ever taught him and those who con-
               not what i’m talking about.                      tinue his voyage For him.

               a real siFu teaching a real art should give  the  art  he  teaches  is  hung  gar,  but  it
               you  the  Feeling  oF  a  Family  with  tremen-  isn’t  the  same  discipline  that  is  taught  in
               dous  responsibility  and  high  expectations.  hong kong. i wanted to know more about
               in return you earn a “home” where loyalty        the diFFerences and many other questions.
               is always given as well as expected. you are  without  Further  ado,  i’d  like  to  intro-
               drilled over and over again in drills that       duce my brother – siFu goh doh leng…
               hone your body, mind and spirit not so much

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