Page 4 - Martial Science Magazine Aug/2014 #4
P. 4


                                                        In fact, I know many cases of persons who actually
                                                        feel younger after they started to practice martial
                                                        arts, not only physically but spiritually speaking.
                                                        What really matters is the desire to achieve a goal; a
                                                        person whose objective in life is clear, knows where
                                                        to go, and does not get lost neither draws back on
                                                        his attempts to achieve his goals.

                                                        The Martial Art is a path towards harmony built
                                                        upon a deep sense of life; its improved method
                                                        is as useful today as it was in its beginning when
                                                        Bodhidharma settled down the temple of Shaolin;
                                                        it takes men to its highest potential development,
                                                        and awakes his spiritual consciousness. It creates
                                                        a sense of partnership with the environment, and
                                                        helps to enjoy a healthy life.

                                                        The benefits that martial arts bring about are
                                                        countless; among the most important ones there is
                                                        breathing training, just to mention one. This prac-
                                                        tice is incorporated to every martial art movement,
                                                        due to the importance the air has as a vital energy
                                                        source to the human body.

“I AM TOO OLD FOR THAT”                                 Unfortunately, men do not always value it and re-
                                                        duces its importance to a simple nothing. But, to
The headline of this article is one of the most com-    take advantage of the vital elements of air it is ne-
mon phrases used by martial arts masters. In many       cessary to know how to breathe effectively; brea-
occasions, we advise a friend to exercise his body      thing deeply widens the lungs capacity since they
and mind and in response, he states: “I am too old      process more oxygen to the blood which revitalizes
for that”.                                              and cleanses the internal organs.
My request is: Is it true that one might be too old     It is through the practice of the Katas or other mar-
to learn something new? Whatever the answer mi-         tial art systems that we learn the art of breathing
ght be turns irrelevant, the plain truth is that age    effectively, since the breathing techniques and mo-
can not be an obstacle to limit the advance toward      dels developed in such series of exercises are aimed
learning. In the particular case of martial arts, the   at consciously controlling the breathing system, by
majority of people believe that it is all about diffi-  unifying the physical movements and the breathing
cult movements for the body so that the age turns       mental activity.
risky to enter a gym.                                   On the other hand, the techniques, exercises and
                                                        postures that integrate the systems of martial arts
                                                        influence the Endocrinology System; the organs

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