Page 5 - Martial Science Magazine Aug/2014 #4
P. 5

...It is through the practice of the Katas or other martial art systems that
 we learn the art of breathing effectively, since the breathing techniques
and models developed in such series of exercises are aimed at consciously
controlling the breathing system, by unifying the physical movements and

                               the breathing mental activity...

and nerves of the body shape the muscles and            Through a regular practice of relaxation a sense of
make the body more pliable; its movements are ab-       tranquility and sincerity about oneself is achieved;
solutely different from other type of exercises; they   the mind runs away from all kinds of action, res-
are slow, elegant, and easy, and create strength and    ponsibility and concern.
balance to the mind, the body and the spirit.           Martial Arts, have been influenced by all kind of
The practice of martial art also stresses the func-     philosophical and religious doctrines from la In-
tions of the immunological system; it releases ten-     dia such as: Hinduism, Buddhism, Yoga, and some
sions and reduces stress. It helps the human body       other that lately came from Japan, China and some
to develop a physical and mental balance, develops      other countries from Asia; among them we have:
harmony, agility and vitality. Every muscle, nerve      Taoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Buddhism and
and gland ensures a healthy physical development.       , Chan Zen, Among others. All these doctrines
The term relaxationoriginated from the Latin term       brought about exercises and meditation, concen-
“relaxare”, it is define as the action of relaxing or   tration and contemplation methods just to men-
softening. It could be define as a typical physio-      tion some.
logical process of interactive character, where the     The Samadhi, which in Sanskrit means “immobili-
physiological and psychological functions integrate     ty state”, represents a radical transformation of the
the same process as the cause and as the outcome.       Yogui; it expresses a victory over existence, from
The relaxation technique prepares us to calmly and      this perspective, the soul is really relived though
consciously face everyday life situations; it is a hu-  the individual continues to be alive. Immerse in Sa-
man capacity and universal gift we can all activate     madhi, the mind is withdrawn from environs, so,
and use to produce concrete changes in our bodies.      it turns invulnerable to profit or loss, to reputation
It allows the body to establish a perfect visible har-  or notoriety, to praise or condemn, or to sorrow or
mony of the movements it carries out. The activity      joy.
of the brain provides the body with vital informa-      After a brief description of some of the many capa-
tion about the intensity of relaxation. The brain       cities and benefits that the practice of martial arts
emits certain types of waves; each of them has its      may bring about to men at any age, I believe we
own frequency; such as. The wave which reflects         must be careful when we state that “We are too old
the everyday normal conscious frequency which is        for that” such way of thinking needs to be changed.
called the beta; the delta wave present when slee-      I think that we must consider other view points,
ping and dreaming; the thetawave representing a         since it is better to set goals to life and devise stra-
state similar to sleeping; and the alphawave, which     tegies to achieve them than to resemble a boat on
relates to a deep relaxation stage and emotional se-    the high seas shifting along; filled the story of your
renity. The alpha y theta waves are closely related     life and make everyday in your life a master piece.
to relaxation and meditation; it indicates a state of

                                                        By: ©Henry Binerfa Castellanos

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