Page 41 - Martial Science Magazine Aug/2014 #4
P. 41
lemen like Tuhon Tim Waid have been teaching
the Filipino Marines and giving seminars around
the world.
Paul Ingram was one of the people that got Paul and Tom working at full speed.
hooked on Tim Waid’s teachings and has dedica- like myself, might hit har-
ted himself to PTK. Paul is quite short and sought der and stronger whereas
to level the field between him and larger fighters. a smaller fighter becomes
When confronted with kickboxing or grappling he fluid and flows faster. It
found they favoured a larger fighter. Indeed, the was this incredible dyna-
UFC will never place Demetrious Johnson against mic of structure mixed
Jon Jones. Weapons provided that equalizer he was with self-expression that
looking for. Suddenly speed killed and every strike I really enjoyed from RFA
was devastating. PTK turned a smaller fighter into Martial Academy.
a human weapon. The name stands for
“Require Further Achieve-
Tom takes my wrist. ment” and is designed to
WHAT I LEARNED: Pekiti-Tirsia Kali is des- push you and to not except
cribed as a system not an art which I found very limits. The limitations we
interesting. Paul stressed several times throughout face are largely self-impo-
the evening that a system is what you use and
an art is what you create. The example that stuck sed and RFA Martial Academy asks you to always
with me the most was that of a painter. A painter continue learning and growing. There is no end
/ artist will use a system to create the piece they just simply a new challenge to look at and con-
are working on. A baroque painter and a modern quer. Paul Ingram lives the philosophy that you
painter will both create “art” based on how they should never stop growing and improving.
approach the canvas yet the result will be radically WHAT WAS SIMILAR: RFA Martial Academy
different. matches some of the top schools I have been to
The same is true with Pekiti-Tirsia Kali. Students because of their openness to questions. Paul is a
are encouraged to learn the system and then create believer that you should challenge and push your
their own expression of the art. Larger fighters, teacher. The strength of any system, whether it is
Kali or another Martial Art, is its ability to withs-
tand questioning. If your style and primarily your
teacher cannot accept being pushed to answer
hard questions then perhaps there is a fundamen-
tal flaw in what you are learning.
AUGUST/2014 41