Page 10 - Unit 1 Skimmimg Scanning
P. 10
5. Skim the article, and select the answer choice that best expresses the main
Meerkats in Africa live in large groups of 20 to 50 members. The
group works together to survive. All members of the group care for the bab�
meerkats. The� take turns bab�sitting and will protect the �oung ones from
danger. Members of the group also take turns watching out for threats from
other animals while the group finds food. If an� dangerous animal comes
: towards the group, the meerkat will bark a warning.
(D Meerkats live in groups to help each other.
@ Meerkats can be cute, and the� can be dangerous.
@ Meerkats are actuall� members of the mongoose famil�.
® Meerkats are active carnivores that live in burrows.
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