Page 8 - Unit 1 Skimmimg Scanning
P. 8


           1.  Skim  the  fol lowing  paragraph,  and  select  the  answer  choice  that  best

              expresses the main idea.

                  Tea is the world's second most popular drink after water. Tea is a big
           ! part of the Chinese culture. A Chinese sa�ing identifies the seven basic dail�

           ! necessities  as fuel,  rice,  oil,  salt,  so�  sauce,  vinegar,  and  tea.  According
             to Chinese legend, tea was invented accidental!� b� the Chinese Emperor
             Shen Nang in 2737 B.C. China is one of the main producers of tea, and tea
             remains China's national drink.

              (D  T h e 7 essential basic requirements for dail� living

               ®  The methods of preparation of tea
               @  T h e tea producing regions of China

               ®  The importance of tea in the Chinese culture

           2. Scan the paragraph above. Find the �ear the tea was invented accidental!�
               b� the Chinese Emperor Shen Nang. Write the �ear on the line.

           3. Skim the paragraph below, and select the answer choice that best expresses
               the main idea.

                   Exercise is crucial to  our  lives.  Doctors recommend we exercise at
             least two times a week.  Exercise does not necessaril� need to be done in
             the g�m; it can consist of an outdoor walk or bike ride. It not onl� controls

             weight, but it combats man� health conditions and diseases as well. Another
             added benefit to exercise is its mood boosting qualities.

                                               ที่มา : หนังสือสรุปเข้มเทคนิคพิชิต READING ครูอ๊อดดี้ (สุทธิพล หึกขุนทด)
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