Page 28 - Test Demo
P. 28

     And mankind during all seasons of his or her life of life given to you – will attend you as you continue to
asks, ‘what can I do?’ And before the answer
arrives he or she switches to another question. The lesson is patience – be patient, asking many times, and waiting as long as it takes to know more and more. Do whatever you can – whenever you can, and the part
The old adage into the fatherly question entitled does everybody and everything have value? Before we human beings answer – we have need of knowing, what is a thing, what is a body and further why is a thing called a thing and why was a body called a body? Of course there are animate and inanimate considerations to consider.
Having a conscious value system and being aware of it – is recommended.
The current PANDEMIC challenges all human beings to consciously know a true reality, centred within the reality entitled – THIS IS OUR WORLD, come let us share it! L. T. I-Tae
And mankind during his and her earliest of understanding(s) cries out I need help, things are too hard (and the generations before and for all time without end the mothers and the fathers silently answers) you have help, that is why we are standing next to you and why we are with you.
know more and more of the reality of who you are .................... and who you are can only be privately known by you, and whoever is with you at all times and in all seasons – can also know who you are. Seek to come to know more and more of you – yourself.
  All things and all persons external to the physical body are importantly important, headed by purified drinking water as the most important of all commodities – universally.
Twenty twenty this year in the history of humanity when all human beings collectively need help, in better understanding the pandemic experienced by all of humanity, the word help into help me and help us all collectively becomes acceptable to all human beings.
Of course there are those amongst us who sees opportunities to profiteer, hoping for normality to arrive sooner or later, and so hope joins help in 2020. It must be time to forgive each other – because we know not what we do, as we wonder why one thing or another.
It is, it must be time to individually into collectively better understand the need to help each other – not to censure without research why
one thing or another evolved.
It is time to put away the uncharitable tongue and use our human resources to invite others by our acts of unselfish goodwill to turn away from human being to human being brutality, thereby a better understanding of turning the other cheek (or the cheek of the oppressive others) in coming to know at first hand oppression. Nevertheless it is balancing all things that produces and reproduces life in physical form for a season. Contributing harmoniously to life as we human beings would like it to be, help us to better accept and understand the order of a time for everything. And only when the time comes to know, we human beings will know – it is knowing how best to embrace and deal with what we come to know, that frees us to accept life as it is, as it is created to be – for a time. Time is the Master, Sam’Tu-Dang one of the keys towards the longevity we seek to propel us high above the animal kingdom of the sensational senses.
   From the heart of London-England UK,
the magic of
Sam’Tu-Dang Martial Art Sport
The Master L. T. I-Tae Sam’Tu-Dang 2020
Being a member of a community or a club requires the will or a maturing perspective, centred upon a will to continually understand the responsibility of progressive membership. There is a necessity for all human beings to better understand of the need to formally associate, to support
     © Copyright. All Rights Reserved. UK.
local, national, universal and direct attempts to harmoniously associate.
Inner strength & humility empowers all human beings wishing to progress at the fastest rate. From The Sam’Tu-Dang Classics
was and is a need for innovation to
help to support the next
generation is very important. Once
we appreciate and accept that change
is inevitable, we must find time to
prepare for change (once we
care enough to do so).
The change that is with us now
(Covid) can also be used to help us to
understand that this is one world
(our world), as the world as a whole
seems to be experiencing this
issue at the same time. We can truly
accept that sharing is one way
to find harmony that might
manifest a true meaning of
togetherness. Meaning that
finding ways to work together may
produce a better long term result.
Dr Michael Ince-Tae Chief Instructor
Be f o r e , there were tracks, but
they were not seen by all. Today
there are new tracks, which are
not seen by all. If we have seen
those tracks, how did we find them
and how do we assist the next
generation to see those tracks? We
need to show them the tracks
and encourage them. Let us
encourage each other and show
each other the tracks. Let us
show the next generation the
benefits of following the
tracks that have been laid out.
Today there are even more
distractions than yesterday, so the
task is different. The financial
pressures of our lives are also
different. Understanding
the idea that there

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