Page 36 - Phelan Energy Green Ammonia Plant Egypt
P. 36

  Expected ammonia demand up to 2050 for the 1.5°C scenario
Forecast Ammonia demand up to 2050 for the 1.5°C scenario
  • The following IRENA graph, is a simple illustration of many consistent forecasts.
• It shows the current Ammonia demand growth increasing from under 200 MT pa to 700 MT pa in a steady upward graph to 2050.
• We believe this is conservative, like all Renewable Energy forecasts.
• Nevertheless, it shows exceptional market growth in a small number of key areas.
• Increased need for Green Fertilizer, and new markets for Shipping fuel, as well as a Hydrogen carrier, with added demand for power greening in Japan.
   © Phelan Energy Group

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