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         * There are lots of benches. See above    are, there is always a way to squeeze in
         section for a description of tricep dips on                         a workout!
         the benches. You can also step on and off
         the bench. This will elevate your heart                        AT THE POOL:
         rate which will make you sweat and        Aerobics in the pool is a very fun way to
         burn calories. It will also work your legs.   work out. Some simple and fun things to
         Just make sure to be very cautious when                                   try:
         stepping and make sure your entire foot
         goes on the bench. Dangling feet cause    * Kick & Splash- Hold on to the edge of
                             sprains and falls.    the pool and lay afloat on the water so
         * Monkey bars. These are great for your   that you are in a vertical position. Kick
         upper body. Try to stay on as long as you   your feet as fast as you can for as long as
         can. If you need to get off and restart,   you can. This is very intense and a great
         that’s ok too. As you build your upper              workout for your legs & abs.
         body strength, you will be able to stay
                                    on longer.     * Pool races. Go as fast as you can from
         * Incline benches. Some parks have these.   one end of the pool to the other end. If
         These are great for sit ups. Lie down on   you’re alone, time yourself & aim to go
         the bench, cross your arms over your      faster each time. If you’re with a friend,
         chest and sit up as much as you can. Do                    race with each other.
         10-15, rest and then repeat. These will
         work your abs, so no matter where you                  Good luck and have fun!

       Alice Harrosh is a Nutrition Counselor and
       Manager at Nutrition by Tanya with ten lo-           Miami
       cations including one in Williamsburg. Alice        Borough Park
       knows that making healthy choices is not al-        Flatbush
       ways easy as she has been through the struggle      Williamsburg
       herself. As an optimistic person, Alice's favorite   Queens
                                                           Five Towns
       quote is: "It's never too late to start eating bet-  Monroe
       ter. If you have a bad morning, make it a better    Monsey
       afternoon."  For more information on Nutrition      Lakewood
       by Tanya or the TAP (Tanya approved prod-           Deal
                                            Page 2
       ucts) food line, please visit www.nutritionbytan-   Jerusalem or call 844-Tanya-Diet (844-826-9234).       Upstate (SUMMER ONLY)
       For daily tips and inspiration, you may follow
       @nutritionbytanya on Instagram.

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