Page 47 - 15-44 Feb 20 2019
P. 47


                                                                          By: Rachel Esses

         Dear Rachel,

         I had a busy this week. I had a  Wow! I really do feel your
         wedding one night, a Bar Mitzva  frustration. This is common - when

         another night, and went away for  someone has
         Shabbos. I was so proud of how well  a week full of simchas, vacations, or
         I did through all these challenges. I  other challenges they feel that the
         didn’t touch cake or desserts, hardly  scale should reflect how hard they

         had any Challa, was careful on my  worked. Meaning if you were
         portion sizes, and generally felt  fighting temptation all week, the
         like I was really watching. I was so  expectation might be that instead
         excited for my weigh in as I was sure  of losing the typical 1 or 2 pounds,
         I lost 3 pounds this week. Yet, when  you should be down 3 or 4 pounds!
         I got on the scale, it showed that I
         had stayed the same. I am so upset.  Unfortunately the  scale doesn't
         What was the point of all that work  work that way. Your nutrition

         if I was just going to stay the same?!  counselor definitely appreciates all
                                                       the hard work that you put in but the
         Signed, Surprised and Disappointed            scale only knows what you actually
                                                       ate, not how hard you worked. And

         Dear Surprised and Disappointed,              although you may have chosen very
                                                       well considering the difficult

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