Page 48 - 15-44 Feb 20 2019
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situations you were in, you may if you have a busy week full of Yom
not have been as “on plan” as you Tov or simchas it is okay to just
think you were. maintain your weight.
For example you may have been On the other hand, if your lifestyle
eating late meals which is not is such that you really have week
great for weight loss, and is not after week of nightly simchas, you
recommended on our plan. You may need to make the decision
also may have not had the proper to eat at home rather than trying
portion sizes and the food may have to choose well at each simcha.
been prepared differently than you Depending on your lifestyle and
would have done it at home. how often you are out at night, as
well as how much weight you have
Therefore, in a week filled with to lose, eating before the simcha
simchas, you may want to adjust may be necessary, and should be
your expectations, with the goal discussed with your Nutrition
being just to maintain your weight Counselor.
and not necessarily to lose. Do
not despair! Had you not been Good Luck!
watching carefully you may have Rachel
even gained a pound or two over
the week which would be even
more disappointing and more of a
setback, Always keep in mind that
Rachel Esses is a nutrition counselor at 1-844-TANYA-DIET (826-9234)
Nutrition by Tanya and is the manager of the Wil- Boro Park 3817 13th Avenue
liamsburg location. Nutrition by Tanya offers person- Flatbush 1720 East 14th Street Suite M2
alized and practical weight management and nutrition Williamsburg 146 Spencer Street Suite #2010
counseling to children, men, and women. Nutrition by Queens 72-38 Main Street
Tanya has locations in Boro Park, Flatbush, Williams- 5 Towns 999 Central Avenue Suite #104
burg, Monsey, Lakewood, Five Towns, Monroe, and
Queens.The office can be reached at 844-Tanya-Diet Lakewood 130 1st Street Suite #203
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Monsey 7 Twin Avenue Basement Suite
or You can also visit nu- for more info and inspiring success Monroe Business Center Suite #405 G
stories and photos. Upstate Fitness Factory 36 Forestburgh Road
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