Page 81 - 17-28 Nov 4 2020
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in stone. Duhigg writes, “Habits can
The process of forming a habit is a be ignored, changed, or replaced.”
three-step circular system within our However, habits are so powerful be-
brains. Habits begins with a cue, or a
trigger that signals to your brain to
and focuses on other tasks. There-
Once the cue is triggered, there is
the , or the response, wheth-
al. Lastly, there is the reward, which
Perhaps without realizing it, Guise
is worth recalling for the future. is building on Duhigg’s research. If
everyday habits, you will start creat-
those habits to be a bit more de-
soon as it hears, sees, or touches the your goals.
becomes a habit – a powerful craving
for a reward whenever the trigger is