Page 6 - Annual_Report_2016
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Homeownership Programs                                      Texas Statewide Homebuyer                                     Texas Housing Impact Fund                               Multifamily Private Activity Bonds
                                                                      Education Program (TSHEP)

               TSAHC provides eligible home buyers with a                   TSAHC, in partnership with the Texas                            TSAHC provides low-cost loans and lines                  TSAHC issues tax-exempt Multifamily Private
               30-year, fixed-rate mortgage loan, a grant for               Department of Housing and Community                             of credit to local developers to finance the             Activity Bonds to help housing developers
               down payment assistance (DPA) and/or an                      Affairs, provides nonprofit housing counselors                  construction or rehabilitation of single                 construct or preserve multifamily rental units.
               annual income tax credit called a mortgage                   with access to discounted training courses                      family homes or multifamily apartment
               credit certificate (MCC).                                    taught by NeighborWorks America.                                complexes.                                               Multifamily developments must meet specific
      1751                           595                         80                             52                                                                                                   housing needs identified by TSAHC’s Board of
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Directors each year.
      Home Buyers Assisted in 2016   MCCs issued                 Counselors Trained in 2016     Organizations Trained
      $209 million                   $8.9 million                33                            100%                               $3,950,000                   59                          $28,844,000                   470

      in Mortgage Loans              in DPA grants               Hotel Scholarships Provided   Counselors Recommend               in Loans Provided in 2016    Homes Financed in 2016      Total Bonds Awarded in 2016 Multifamily Units Financed

     Affordable Communities of Texas                                     Texas Foundations Fund                                   Single Family Rental Program                                   Multifamily Rental Program

               TSAHC partners with local nonprofit                           TSAHC awards matching grants to nonprofit                      TSAHC leases single family homes to                      TSAHC owns and operates Rollins Martin, a
               developers to acquire foreclosed homes and                    partners to fund critical home repairs and                     low-income households at below                           15-unit apartment complex in east Austin.
               vacant lots from financial institutions and                   supportive housing services for very                           market-rate rents.                                       All units are leased to households earning no
               redevelop them into affordable homes for                      low-income households. To date, TSAHC has                                                                               more than 60% of the area median income.
               low-income families.                                          awarded $2,606,000 in grants.                                  All homes are located in theCentral Texas
                                                                                                                                            area in neighborhoods with higher than                   TSAHC is also renovating units with new
      45                        4                                            All families and individuals assisted have a                   average incomes and access to good                       flooring, countertops and cabinets on a

      Homes Sold in 2016        Veteran Home Buyers                          disability or live in a rural community.                       schools, transportion and other services.                rolling basis as units become vacant.
      28                        309                              $302,500                       25                                18                           4                           15                            3
      Local Partners            Lots/Homes in Portfolio          Total Grants Awarded in 2016   Nonprofits Awarded                Single Family Units          Units Added in 2016         Multifamily Units Provided    Units Renovated in 2016
                                                              3                                                                                                                         4
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11