Page 3 - The Peggy's - Chapter 1
P. 3


                 What is a Peggy? Why did I name this eBook The Peggy’s? There is no clue in the
               first chapter about this name and yet, it becomes a centerpiece of the story. A
               centerpiece the reader will have to discover on their own in the chapters which follow
               this one.
                 I must admit a certain glee in this particular eBook. I have wanted for some time to
               publish an eBook in the manner of the serialized novel. Almost all magazines in the
               seventies published serialized novels at one point or another from Ellery Queen’s
               Murder Mysteries to Playboy.

                 All of the pulp magazines published at least one serialized version of a novel. Most
               published several a year along with their short soties and flash fiction. I took this to
               heart and decided to write an eBook, a mystery thriller, to accommodate my need to
               serialize an eBook.
                 With that in mind, I must tell you all honestly that I do not the ending to this
               thriller. I have written this chapter and am working on the next as we publish this but
               I do not have a clue how this eBook will end. I find the lack of knowing where and
               how this story will end to be titillating. Thrilling.
                 I am looking forward to the comments at the end of each month to see where this
               will go. What the audience thinks about the plot and see if changes need to be made.

                 Follow along as Rowena Adair, a disgraced cop who is waiting for her retirement, is
               reassigned from the Dead division (the division that handles cold cases, missing
               persons, and old evidence) to the lead on the case of The Peggy’s.

                 R. Ross Whalen

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