Page 6 - The Peggy's - Chapter 1
P. 6

Chapter One

                                                     A New Deal

                 “Sergeant,” a lone, unknown policemen shouted. “Telephone.”

                 Rowena stopped walking. She was three hours late. Why in the world did this young
               police officer want her to talk on a phone? Fuck that. Nothing good ever comes in at
               two a.m. Nothing. She shook her head no when the young policeman got excited.
               Shook the phone at her like whoever was on the other end was God Himself.
                 Rowena hated young policeman. Especially ones who have been assigned to her. It
               took something of an extreme act to get assigned to her division. To get assigned to
               her period.
                 Whatever this young policeman did to get assigned to the Cold Case division, it must
               be a good story. Not so good for him though. No one young gets assigned to Dead
               Division, i.e., the Cold Case, Missing Persons, and Extended Property Management
               Division; unless they truly pissed someone off.

                 His story must be good. Too bad she didn’t really care. She didn’t even know the
               man’s name and she’d been his direct supervisor now for the last two months. Two
               months as the officer-in-charge of the Dead’s graveyard shift. Two months down, four
               to go.
                 “Sergeant!” the young policeman shouted once more.
                 Rowena gripped her fists tight. Seethed. Called him names no one should ever be
               called. Screamed at him to stop pestering her and do whatever it was he did with
               phone calls. She was not to be disturbed.
                 “Leave me the fuck alone!” Rowena shouted louder as she reached her station. “If you
               can’t handle a simple phone call…”

                 The agony on the young man’s face stopped her cold. He carried a pain reserved for
               someone so high up on the policeman’s food chain it would normally be reserved for
               bosses. Bosses like what she used to be, not for what she was right now.
                 Another sigh escaped as she opened a drawer. Added some whiskey to her coffee.
               Looked down hard at the blinking light on her station’s phone. A sort of chuckle left
               Rowena. She looked about the metal topped table and chuckled again. The police
               department, the police commissioner, the bastard; decided desks should be shared
               since his police department ran twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three
               hundred and sixty five days a year.

                 Too bad the asshole never got to enjoy the policy of a shared desk. Rowena doubted
               he cared what anyone below his assistants thought of the program. Assistants with big
               titles and the overall capacity to keep the commissioner’s ass well kissed.
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