Page 10 - The Peggy's - Chapter 1
P. 10

themselves. When she challenged him, he laughed. Made a lot of noise about how he
               couldn’t take her on since he was obviously superior to her in all ways.
                 When she threw him down the first time, everyone snickered. All considered it to be
               a lucky break. Even a mouse could catch a lucky break. At five foot two and slightly
               built, Rowena posed no threat to the six foot three athlete who Abede posed as. Until
               she did it again. And again, and again.

                 Rowena took the man down so many times it became painful. When Abede lost his
               cool and tried to hurt her, Rowena ended it by kicking his balls so hard they had to be
               surgically dropped back into position.
                 “Why am I here?” Rowena asked without looking at Police Commissioner Abede.
                 “Get out of the goddamn car Roe,” the Chief of Detective’s snarled.

                 If Rowena hated anything in this life, it was being called Roe. Even if it was her
               nickname when they were all back at the Academy. She looked out the cruiser’s
               window. There, in the early morning mist, was the police commissioner, the chief of
               detectives, and the chief of internal affairs. Her old job. One which should have been
               labeled internal affairs and covert operations since Rowena handled them both. Until.
               Well, until she was given a choice.
                 “Fuck off Ameila,” Rowena answered as she stared at the tent. A place beginning to
               slow down. People were waiting. Waiting for something else to happen. Something
               Rowena was certain involved her. “I’m not getting out of this cruiser until I decide it’s
               in my best interest. So, don’t bother ordering me because I am now a lowly desk
               sergeant. In fact, you can all fuck off. By the looks of what’s happening down there, I
               don’t want to get involved. Not with four months left. So, tell me Abede, why should
                 “Because you haven’t retired yet,” Police Commissioner Abede answered. This time
               his tone wasn’t harsh but sad. “This was your case then and it is your case now. At
               least as far as the media and the FBI are concerned.”

                 “It’s obviously copycats,” Rowena answered. “I caught the real killers a little under
               five years ago.”
                 “Yes,” Abede answered. “You did. You upstaged everyone. Including our friends at
               the FBI and Homeland Security. Even the CIA got involved in that last one. Which is
               why I am not fighting the FBI over jurisdiction.”
                 Rowena set her coffee aside. The coffee had turned bitter. So had the whiskey inside
               it. Rowena made no pretense to hide the alcohol. Why should she? It was the main
               reason for her demotion. Abede had her dead to rights for the consumption of alcohol
               and drugs on the job while a Deputy Chief of Police.
                 Both of which were required by those she’d spent years chasing inside the police
               department and the rest of the city’s corrupt assholes to prove she was one of them. A
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