Page 13 - The Peggy's - Chapter 1
P. 13

they would use someone else. If she asked for too little, they would begin to
               investigate what she was up to in the Dead’s files.
                 “Five million payable in increments every three months over the next five years.”

                 Abede smiled.
                 “Seems you’ve thought about this a time or two,” Abede’s smile hardened. As did his
               voice. “Got it all set up so no one will question a payout of a quarter of a million
               dollars every quarter. In cash I assume.”
                 A coldness surrounded her. Had she gone too far?

                 “You really have always been a cunt, haven’t you?” The Chief of Detectives said. Her
               voice strained. Too bad really. At one point in their careers, Amelia had been one of
               Rowena’s closest friends. Their families often bowled together and got together for
                 Until it all came toppling down. Amelia chose the man who could get her a
               promotion and not the woman who was going down for substance abuse. Rowena
               never blamed Amelia for the choice, she simply didn’t understand all the hatred
               towards her.
                 It wasn’t her fault Amelia’s dad was on the take. A man now serving a life sentence
               for the acts he committed as a cop thanks to Rowena’s testimony and evidence. A man
               who wanted Rowena dead, just like his daughter.

                 “What’s in the tent?” Rowena asked
                 “The end of your career,” Abede answered. Sighed as he looked away. “I agree to
               your terms and add the fact you will be retired, forcibly and disgraced, at the end of
               this investigation. There will be no exceptions to that. Any questions?”
                 Rowena shook her head no. Watched as they left. Whatever was under that tent, it
               meant she was done for good as a cop. Done for good as a mover and shaker. Done for
               so many reasons in the dark world at the top of the chain where law enforcement met
               politics. A place she reveled in.

                 Rowena looked hard at the white tent. She knew what was inside. Knew she was to
               take the fall over whatever happens from hereon out in the investigation. Knew so
               many things about what was about to happen.
                 The information should have put her at ease. All she had to do was keep her mouth
               shut and nod her head anytime the FBI said something. And wait. Wait until Abede’s
               big reveal which would put her as the fall guy. Which left Rowena with one question
               she couldn’t find an answer to.
                 Why on earth did the sight of that tent terrify her?

                 Discover the answer to that question in the upcoming Chapter 2!
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