Page 11 - The Peggy's - Chapter 1
P. 11

part of her undercover assignment. An assignment handed to her on a golf course by
               the attorney general and the city’s mayor. A mayor who ultimately was as corrupt as
               those he sought to destroy. Only he hadn’t counted on Rowena’s sense of justice, and
               she hadn’t counted on Abede’s desire to become police commissioner and eventually
                 Abede offered her a choice three months ago. Timed it perfectly. She had to let him
               take the credit for busting up the corruption inside the police department and several
               other various city agencies. Let him take the job as police commissioner as well. In
               return, he wouldn’t send her to the penitentiary for life.

                 Somehow, Abede had gotten ahold of evidence of several deals she’d made while
               undercover. Deals which she hadn’t reported to the attorney general’s office. Deals
               which made Rowena a filthy rich woman able to retire quietly to the Gulf of Mexico
               and let young boy toys give her orgasm after orgasm.
                 Instead, she took a demotion from Chief of Internal Affairs to desk sergeant. Spent a
               month on her couch without pay then was reassigned to the Dead to rot until she
               could officially retire.
                 Abede wanted the job of police commissioner. Wanted to be mayor then governor.
               Wanted it bad enough he found a way to sidetrack Rowena permanently. Payback for
               the way she had tarnished his reputation almost thirty years ago. Thirty years and he
               was still being taken down by a small Irish lass half his size.
                 A slow smile came over Rowena’s face. She understood now why she was here. Abede
               wanted a fall guy. Someone who could take the blame when this case blew up in
               everyone’s faces. Which meant he already knew who did whatever it was inside that
               white tent and why. A fact he wasn’t going to share with any of them.

                 “You want me to take the fall on this?” Rowena said as she stepped from the police
               cruiser to face her nemesis. “Which means you already know the who, what, where,
               when, why, and how this has happened. Means you have an answer you are prepared
               to give the media which is why they are being nice right now. Why they have decided
               to do as you ask. Like not show up just yet.”
                 Rowena paused. Looked at the two men and single woman in this early morning
               chat. A chat she assumed would never be reported on any of the rank and file’s
               notebooks. None of these people were here officially. Which meant Rowena will be
               listed as first on scene. Not a good thing for her.
                 The Chief of Detectives coughed into his hand. A sign they were running out of time.
               Time? Rowena could wait. If Abede was correct, it would only be moments before the
               Feds would be all over this. They would arrive and bark orders and take over the
               evidence and form a task force and? Well. It was always mostly for show. However, it
               was something they all knew would happen. It was only a matter of time.
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