Page 12 - Cybercrime_is_on_the_Rise
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Receive industry-leading customer service

        Drive compliance across customer networks.

        Positive customer experiences are at the               When customers leverage Saviynt’s
        forefront of the Saviynt and Microsoft                 user interface, implementation is quick,
        partnership. Their focus is on doing what              and enterprise-wide governance and

        is right for each customer as they travel              compliance are simple. The Saviynt portal
        through their compliance journey. Saviynt              enables a single location for customers
        and Microsoft work together to help                    to view insights and manage identity
        customers meet their unique compliance                 controls across their entire ecosystem

        goals. From energy and pharmaceutical                  with seamless user experiences and true
        to software, education, and finance,                   guidance to security and compliance.
        organizations across industries are                    Customers are satisfied with the security,
        looking to Saviynt and Microsoft for                   migration, and compliance services they

        guidance as they work to mitigate risk                 receive from Microsoft and Saviynt. In
        and enhance security across their                      fact, 98.7% of Saviynt customers remain
        applications and identities. To extend                 with Saviynt to manage their entire
        their support, Saviynt provides ongoing                ecosystem.4 And customers who deploy

        engagements with customers, as they                    Microsoft Azure AD benefit from 123%
        are assigned technical account and                     ROI.5 It’s safe to say that joint Saviynt and
        success managers to give a true path                   Azure AD customers will continue to look
        for feedback and collaboration on future               to both organizations to help solve their

        identity and compliance needs.                         identity and compliance challenges.
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