Page 2 - The Cornerstone September 2019
P. 2

Letter from                                                                                                              St. Peter’s Outreach

             the Rector                                                                                                               For the last 11 months, St. Peter’s Outreach

                                                                                                                                      Committee has worked hard to develop a church-
                                                                                                                                      wide outreach mission and to create a committee
                                                                                                                                      infrastructure so parish outreach ministries can
                                                                                                                                      grow and thrive.  After surveying the parish,
                                         Dear St. Peter’s Parishioners,                                                               revisiting parish outreach history, reading the book
                                                                                                                                      Toxic Charity, studying scripture, and meeting with
                                         Welcome to The Cornerstone. Over the past several years, we have
                                         published an annual magazine in October that celebrates significant                          community members, we are excited to present
                                         ministries of the past year and highlights upcoming events. We realized that                 the following mission statement:
                                         once a year is not enough. There is just too much to share!  The Cornerstone
                                         will be published six times a year. In addition to announcing various                            We seek to serve Christ through
                                         ministries and offerings, it will give the clergy and me an opportunity to share                transformative partnerships that
                                         spiritual insights and messages beyond what we can preach in sermons. I
                                         hope it will allow us to be more connected with you and for all of us to be                     empower our neighbors who live
                                         more deeply connected with God through our shared community.                                      with injustice and hardship as

                                         The First Letter of Peter quotes Isaiah to tell about Jesus, “See, I am laying                      their constant companions.
                                         in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious; and whoever believes in
                                         him will not be put to shame.”  The author of 1 Peter reminds us that Jesus is               The committee envisions St. Peter’s working to
                                         the cornerstone of our faith, the stone on which our trust in God is built. It               fulfill this mission by focusing on ministries that
                                         also happens that our church resides on the corner of Warson and Ladue.  So                  encompass aspects of education, health, racial
                                         The Cornerstone reminds us that all we do here as St. Peter’s Church on our                  justice, and sustainability, all areas in which the
                                         little corner of the world is built on our relationship with Jesus Christ. These             congregation expressed an interest.  Please join        COMMITTEE
                                         pages show not just what we are doing, but what God is doing through us. I                   us at the Rector’s Forum on Sunday, October 6,          MEMBERS INCLUDE:
                                         hope you enjoy The Cornerstone!                                                              to learn more about our new mission, outreach           Liza Weiss, Chris Knight, Letah Carruthers,
                                                                                                                                      opportunities, and how you can become involved.         Bill Gilbert, Annie Vogt, Margaret Carmichael,
                                           Peace,                                                                                                                                             and Tyler LaBerge.


                                                                                                                                                                         Sunday, Sept. 15
                                                                                                                                                      Join us for St. Peter’s Day!

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