Page 7 - The Cornerstone September 2019
P. 7
On the Border
Episcopal 2019 Youth Mission Trip
to San Diego, CA
Community In June, a group of us THE BIG ISSUES IN SAN DIEGO:
Immigration: Due to its proximity to the U.S.-Mexico border, San
traveled to San Diego, CA
Many residents of San Diego have family across the border in Mexico,
Tentatively mark for our Youth Mission Trip! Diego is home to many immigrants from Central and South America.
by Fr. Joseph Wallace-Williams your calendar for the WHY SAN DIEGO: and as a result are deeply invested in border issues.
following EYC dates: San Diego is most known as a tourist
Though I’ve only been a member of this faith community here at destination, boasting warm weather Homelessness: The city is home to one of the country’s largest
St. Peter’s for a little less than a year, I have come to know many September 22 and beautiful beaches. Many do not homeless populations. This has put a strain on the city’s social
of you. As one of your priests, an area of ministry I have been October 20 realize that San Diego is located services and forces the local government to come up with creative
given is with the youth of our congregation. approaches to serving this population.
November 10 less than one hour away from the
I am looking forward to being able to get to know each of you December 15 U.S.-Mexico border, which has many
and others in our community this coming academic year. Moving January 19 implications for those living in or near GIVING US PERSPECTIVE...
forward, our youth group, or EYC (Episcopal Youth Community), the city. We all have our own perceptions of urban problems.
will meet regularly on the third Sunday of every month following February 23 Serving in San Diego exposed us to the
the 10:30 worship service. This will be a time for us to seek April 19 social issues present in communities During the week, we had a chance to share what we were learning
a deeper connection to Christ and one another through fun, May 31 located at national borders. We also about in San Diego and in our country. Specifically in the areas of
fellowship, and intentional time exploring the complexities of learned about immigration by spending poverty, racism, immigration, climate change, and being a part of the
life and asking questions of faith. Most of our meeting time time at the U.S.-Mexico border, ongoing work God is doing to bring about the kingdom.
will be spent in the Undercroft or Confirmation classroom from Stay tuned for further learning about social justice from a As Mateo put it after visiting the border:
12-2pm. It is my hope that we will not only meet on Sundays, information on EYC local non-profit fighting for the rights
but will occasionally meet together as a group off-campus for a events, Confirmation, of immigrants. “We went on a hike along the border. This was one of the more
game of dodgeball, top golf, movies and so on. and Youth Sunday! controversial activities of our day. We interacted with both border agents
and staff members of Border Angels. It was interesting to hear both
I want each and every one of you to know that I am available viewpoints. As Christians we must balance the values of treating thy
to talk at any time. I am more than willing to meet you for ice neighbor as thy self and keeping our community safe. It’s important for
cream or pizza! And you us to have dialogue instead of people just voicing strong opinions without
guessed it - I don’t blab and listening to the other side.”
I don’t judge!!!!
I hope you will join us next summer!!
So come and talk to me
about anything. I am here Remember, I love you, but God loves you more,
for YOU.
Fr. Joseph