Page 16 - The Home Front - Fall 2019 _Neat
P. 16
Rocket your Listing with a Coming
soon Campaign
Contributed by Navy to Navy Homes
with over 9000 Real Estate agents in the Northeast florida
region, it is difficult to know if the agent you choose is
doing their part in “Selling” your home or if they are just
“waiting for it to sell.” One sure-fire way is watching what
they do bEfoRE the home is actively listed on the MlS.
Yes, that is correct…I said, “before!”
Here in Jacksonville, some stipulations allow for agents
to run a “Coming Soon” campaign, prior to having the
listing go active on the MlS (Multiple list Service) and all
syndication sites (Zillow, Trulia,, etc.). when
done effectively a “tech-infused” Coming Soon campaign
can bring a flurry of buyers to your home which often
results in multiple offers, quick sales, easy terms, and
even sales prices over original asking prices.
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