Page 17 - The Home Front - Fall 2019 _Neat
P. 17

The magic isn’t in just putting a sign out that says    worries, we do! And we can employ the same techniques
          “Coming Soon” or listing it in the MlS as “Coming Soon”   to sell your home. Imagine if your home appeared on
          status; it comes in the aggressive marketing that can be   the cell phones of every potential buyer that drove
          done, while in the Coming Soon status. If done properly,   through your neighborhood before it hit the market. or
          the Coming Soon campaign can be used to emotionally stir   if it appeared to every buyer that was online looking at
          up a multitude of buyers that will converge on your house   homes similar to yours but would otherwise never see
          the day it goes live in the MlS.                        your home. And what if you could continue to appear
                                                                  back on their phones in a non-intrusive way with attractive
          The two main psychological aspects to this are “supply   & professional photos, videos, & drone footage that
          and demand” (which most people understand) and          made your home stand head-and-shoulders above the
          “foMo” (fear of missing out…a less common discussed     competition?
          term in real estate). It occurs when buyers are actively
          searching for homes on the market. They are searching   well, everything I just described is what we at Navy to
          online, driving by, scheduling walk-throughs with real   Navy Homes do before we ever market the home as
          estate agents…all the normal things. Meanwhile, a savvy   “active.” The results are nothing short of astounding. on
          real estate marketing expert can be radically changing   average we are selling homes for 3% more of the listing
          your outcome by using technology to promote your        price than other agents in almost a third of the time as the
          home to all of those buyers and thousands of others     average agent. So, if your agent isn’t doing these types
          using “Geotarget Marketing,” “Predictive Analytics,” and   of activities to rocket propel your home’s listing…we are
          “Tracking Pixels,” the same way that major marketers like   truly sorry. but now that you know the secrets you can tell
          Amazon do. So, they are building an audience of buyers   all your friends to pick Navy to Navy with their industry-
          for your home bEfoRE it ever hits the market!           leading “Coming Soon” campaign. If you or anyone you
                                                                  know would like further details, you can call Navy to Navy
          If you have no idea what any of those terms are…no      Homes at 904-900-4766, and they will discuss it in detail.

          MARKEt UPdAtE stAts

          Sold Price  Address                   City            Zip    Sq Ft  Beds  Baths Subdivision       Days on Mkt
          392500      113 SYLVAN DR             ATLANTIC BEACH  32233  1761  3    3     SALTAIR             0
          210000      3924 ANDERSON WOODS DR    JACKSONVILLE    32218  2554  4    3     CAMBRIDGE ESTATES   1
          377000      111 SYLVAN DR             ATLANTIC BEACH  32233  1761  3    3     SALTAIR             1
          32000       2064 DEBUTANTE DR         JACKSONVILLE    32246  1152  3    2     ARLINGTON GREEN     1
          136000      751 LEAFY LN              JACKSONVILLE    32216  1156  2    1     GLYNLEA PARK        2
          213000      3529 PEBBLE STONE CT      ORANGE PARK     32065  1938  4    3     OAKLEAF             2
          242500      9498 WOODLEIGH MILL DR    JACKSONVILLE    32244  2079  4    2     WATERMILL           2
          147000      3702 VERDE GARDENS CIR    JACKSONVILLE    32218  1675  3    3     VERDE GARDENS       2
          340000      1335 RYAR RD              JACKSONVILLE    32216  3245  3    4     RYARS               3
          235000      2878 PEBBLEWOOD LN        ORANGE PARK     32065  2308  3    3     OAKLEAF PLANTATION  4
          160000      3542 HARTSFIELD FOREST CIR  JACKSONVILLE  32277  1661  3    3     HILLCREST           4
          205000      3503 UPHILL TER           JACKSONVILLE    32225  1469  3    2     ASHLEY MANORS       4
          180000      14066 CRESTWICK DR        JACKSONVILLE    32218  1494  3    2     CRESTWICK CROSSING  4
          271000      1723 HAWKINS COVE DR      JACKSONVILLE    32246  1850  3    2     HAWKINS COVE        4
          230500      725 MACKENZIE CIR         ST AUGUSTINE    32092  1609  3    2     MEADOWS AT ST JOHNS  4
          210000      12577 WHITE CEDAR TRAIL   JACKSONVILLE    32226  1735  3    2     NORTHWOODS          5
          278000      14900 BULOW CREEK DR      JACKSONVILLE    32258  2062  3    2     BARTRAM SPRINGS     6
          220000      12148 VERDE GARDENS RD    JACKSONVILLE    32218  2019  4    3     VERDE GARDENS       9
          200000      11868 HAYDEN LAKES CIR    JACKSONVILLE    32218  1874  3    2     HAYDEN LAKES        10

          Selling Homes ovER TwICE AS fAST as other companies
          All listings sold by Navy to Navy Homes

          904-900-4766                                         17

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