Page 17 - WCSO 2017 Annual Report
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                34,613                                                          WCSO is proud to be known as

                                                                                A COMMITMENT TO TRAINING

                                                                                one of the most highly trained
                                                                                agencies  in  the  state.  This
                                                                                commitment is demonstrated in
                                                       WCSO                     our  professionalism,  recruitment
                                                                                efforts, liability reduction, and
                                                                                tenure.  We believe well-trained
                                                    HOSTED                      deputies are generally better
                                                                                prepared to act decisively in
                                                                                situations  that may arise.  The
                                                  TRAINING                      WCSO  Training Unit oversees
                                                                                internal training and continues
                                                                                to find strategic ways to offer
                                                     HOURS                      progressive       training  at   a
                                                                                sustainable cost.


       The Property Evidence Team completed their annual evidence inventory, hand scanning and counting over
       90,000 items in three different locations.
 SERVICES DIVISION  Evidence processing is often dictated by item size and guidelines are in place to help “fit” items into a storage

       location. Our evidence staff offer uniform packaging at all of our precincts to assist deputies with proper
       evidence handling procedures.

 The Services Division is the most diverse work group at WCSO, responsible for recruitment,   The Property Evidence  Team
 training, promotion and internal complaint investigations. Essentially, every employee enters   recently implemented a new
       online evidence management
 and exits their career with WCSO through the Services Division. This work group is also home   system, Quetel, allowing photos
 to the Criminal Records Unit, Civil Unit, Concealed Handgun Unit, Alarms and Permits Unit,   to be uploaded digitally and
 and Forensics and Evidence.  eliminating the need to retain
       CDs and DVDs.

       In 2017, the Property Evidence
       Team received 20,538 items and
       released 18,439 to the public.

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