Page 17 - Book Catalogue 2024
P. 17


         Featured Series
                                                                     Alfred  89  Colour  Coded  Flash  Cards  include  all  notes,
         Made Easy Range By Lina Ng                                  symbols  and  terms  needed  for  the  first  two  years  of
                                                                     study on any musical instrument. Cards are colour-coded
         This series of theory books is our biggest seller.          by category and are numbered on the back.

                                                                     The  material  is  based  on  concepts  covered  in  John

                                                                     Thompson's  Easiest  Piano  Course  series  (Parts  1-4).
                                                                     They are also suitable for use with any method!

                                                                     Cards come perforated and are easy to tear apart. The
                                                                     "ques on" is printed in black, and the "answer" on the
                                                                     back in a light gray.

         Specifically  suited  for  children  aged  4-7,  these  two   Improve Your Theory
         books  present  music  theory  using  colourful
         illustra ons  and  s ckers  for  the  exercises.  Children   Covering  all  the  requirements  for  ABRSM  theory
         will  derive  much  pleasure  in  learning  music  from   exams, these workbooks are firmly rooted in Harris’s
         these books.                                  Simultaneous Learning approach. Learning theory has
                                                       never been so much fun or seemed so natural!

                                                       Seamlessly  linking  theory  to  pupils’  own  pieces  and
                                                       u lising  aural  and  composi onal  skills,  these  books
                                                       will transform how theory is learnt and improve every
                                                       aspect of musicianship.

                                                      Local is Lekker

                                                      We have  a number of theory books which are locally produced and come
         My First, Second and Third Theory are designed for a   in both English and Afrikaans. Brenda Meiring’s books come with s ckers
         smooth  transi on  to  Grade  1  theory.  These  ever   and are great fun for children.
         popular books contain lots of exercises and games.

                                                      Tronel Hellberg has wri en theory books which range from gr 1-6, music
                                                      literacy books which cover grades 10 –12 and two form analysis books for
                                                      grades 5 and 6. All the books aside from the form analysis books come in
                                                      both English and Afrikaans.

         This  graded  series,  Grade  1—8  is  made  simple  so
         that  the  student  finds  pleasure  in  the  learning
         process.  The  progress  is  very  gradual  to  smoothly
         proceed to the required standard set by the various
         examina on boards.

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