Page 18 - Book Catalogue 2024
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Music Theory for Young Musicians
This second edi on of Music Theory For Young Musicians brings the prac ce exercises and examples in the text up to date with the latest
ABRSM exam requirements. It also includes many clarifica ons that update the presenta on of the ideas and concepts in the book and thus
improve its logical flow:
· It adds a specimen test in the exam format and provides a set of revision notes on the key areas.
· All exercises and examples have been revised and many new exercise drills have been added.
· Concept explana ons have been simplified for greater ease of understanding.
· The book's layout has been made clearer by pu ng the main text against a white background.
· Addi onally, a background colour has been given to each informa on note to make it more visually invi ng.
Music Theory for Young Children
Ying Ying Ng's Music Theory For Young Children series is a fun and novel way to teach children the fundamentals of music theory.
Young players will explore and learn about staves, clefs, note iden fica on, me-signatures, key-signatures, note-values and rest-values.
Child centered, the books in the Music Theory For Young Children series use clear and simple instruc ons, appealing illustra ons and a
variety of self-mo va ng exercises, such as tracing, colouring and pas ng (includes s ckers).
Koh Music Theory for the Li le Ones A and B
Prac ce In Music Theory - is an excellent series containing material for young beginners between 4 and 6 years of age. It features fantas c
illustra ons, games and puzzles all geared towards introducing the theore cal demands of music, and seeks to make this learning of theory
a fun and exci ng experience!
Wri en in simple language and accompanied by cap va ng illustra ons, Josephine and Florence Koh’s book will s mulate the li le ones’
interest and make the learning of music theory as fun and exci ng an experience as is possible! Highlights include the Matching Game, Key-
board Game Picture fun and music Quiz. This is also the first children’s theory book to introduce various instruments of the orchestra. There
is an illustra on and an explanatory note for each of the instruments and these help to give children the basic knowledge of the more com-
mon instruments.
With these books, teaching and learning will surely be a refreshing and enjoyable experience!