Page 9 - Book Catalogue 2024
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TCL Theory
Trinity College London’s Theory of Music syllabus contains full details of grade exams for musical theory from Ini al to Grade 8. The syllabus
provides a comprehensive and carefully incremented approach to the technical language of music, supported by approachable workbooks.
Although there are no theory prerequisites for taking any Trinity College London prac cal graded exams, theore cal musical knowledge
works to enhance and support prac cal studies.
Trinity Strings
Effec ve immediately, Trinity’s Strings syllabus will no longer operate with an end date. The current syllabus will remain valid
indefinitely, and any necessary planned updates will be announced at least 12 months in advance.
Trinity will con nue to increase the repertoire available to candidates through an ongoing programme of new publica on re-
leases. This will include a diverse range of exci ng exam books, individual digital downloads, ebooks, anthologies and more.
Most repertoire and technical work will remain indefinitely*.
Advance no ce of new publica on releases will be available on the Strings webpage and the trinity shop.This innova ve
change in approach to their music exam syllabuses will make their exams more accessible, provide rich and ever-increasing
repertoire to choose from, and encourage candidates to con nue performing the music they love for as long as they wish.