Page 110 - TheHopiIndians
P. 110


               The enviable title of "Song-Makers" has been
             earned by the music-loving Indians of Tusayan, and
             their fame as singers has gone out among all the tribes
             of the "Land of Little Rain." Many a less inventive
             Indian has come a long, wearisome journey to learn
             songs from the Hopi, bringing also his fee, since songs
             that give the singer magic power over the gods and
             forces of nature are not to be had for the asking, be
             sides to their learning a man must give the full devo
             tion of his being and sit humbly at the feet of his in
             structors. The land where the Hopi live may seem to
             furnish slight incentive to song, especially when one's
             ideas of the desert are of its dreariness and desolation ;
             but when one sets foot in the sacred precincts of the
             mysterious desert a new revelation comes to him and
             he sees with these Indians that the wastes which un
             fold from the high mesas are full of beauty of form
             and brilliancy of color. Sunrise and sunset bring
             wonderful tints into the landscape, — the distant blue
             mountains, the violet cloud shadows, the tawny, whirl
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