Page 4 - Feb 2020 Shave of the Day Monthly Magazine
P. 4

THE VINTAGE                                         neck had a heavy nickel plating.

                                                             Different platings aside, these
                                                             two razors were made identical
                                                             to each other and shave exactly
                                                             the same. I find these 2 razors
         SHAVER   Angelo Americo                             are medium aggressive shavers
                                                             that can deliver a DFS or even
                                                             a BBS shave with blades such as

         Gillette President                                  Rapira Platinum Lux, Gillette
                                                             Silver Blue or some other very
         & Diplomat razors                                   sharp blade. Both razors also
                                                             have a good amount of weight to
                                                             them making shaving a breeze.
                                                             I find these razors to be very
                                                             enjoyable to use.

                                                             If you’re in the market for a
                                                             Gillette Diplomat or President
                                                             razor; one feature both of these
                                                             razors have is tight knurling
                          Between the years of 1953-55       throughout the handle from top
                          Gillette made both the Presi-      to bottom. Unlike an Aristocrat
                          dent and the Diplomat razors.      where the knurling is either
                          They were sold back then for       loose, tight, loose or tight, tight,
                          $5; about $48 in today’s money.    loose; the Diplomat/President’s
                          These were definitely luxury       knurling is tight, tight, tight.
                          razors then since you could’ve     That’s the main signifier for
                          easily bought 5 Super Speeds       identifying these two razors.
                          during 1953-55 for the same        If you’re shopping on eBay, be
                          price as one Diplomat/President    prepared to pay good money
                          razor. Even nowadays the Dip-      for them; especially if they’re in
                          lomat/President razors fetch a     good condition and come with
                          pretty penny on eBay; especially   the corresponding case. I find
                          if it comes with the original case.   the best way to get one of these
                          I’ve seen these razors fetch for   is to find one that’s being sold
                          on many eBay auctions for over     as Buy It Now and put it in your
                          $100 in the many times I tried to   watchlist; sometimes they can
                          acquire these razors. I’d even-    offer you a discounted price if
                          tually come into possession of     you have it in your watchlist.
                          both these razors in a buy it now   Also keep an eye open for sellers
                          scenario and after I was able to   open to offers; I was able to buy
                          negotiate a reasonable price.      a Diplomat with the case for
                                                             $85. The seller originally want-   Picture

                          The Diplomat was plated com-       ed $175 but they were open to      right cour-
                          pletely in 24k gold; while the     offers and I got free shipping.
                          President’s handle was plated                                         tesy Flickr
                          in rhodium while the head and      Angelo Americo

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