Page 7 - Feb 2020 Shave of the Day Monthly Magazine
P. 7
“Barbicide is a germicidal,
fungicidal, virucidal, and
pseudomonacidal. It
kills H.I.V. (A.I.D.S. Virus),
herpes, ringworm, staph,
and numerous other
pathogenic organisms.”
Stylize Sand Sanitize
all microbial life. For Barbers
By: John Trout - and Salons however, sanitizing
through disinfecting, is required
As a professional barber who is also by state law. The go to product
a wet shaving enthusiast when at is Barbicide. Mix 2oz to 32 oz of
home, I’m able to transfer some of the water and you create a solution
skills I’ve acquired in the shop and that destroys 99% of microbial
apply them to my in-home shaving. contamination. That mix must
One of the areas that should be of be changed daily in a barber
concern to wet shavers at home, shop. Always measure your
and to also look for when they visit a water solution before adding
barber shop, is infection control. For the Barbicide when mixing the
many years HIV was a major concern concentrate. Barbicide is widely
in barber shops but new pathogens available in concentrate, spray
are introduced all the time. These and wipes. The rule of thumb
viruses can circulate around the in my shop with combs, shears,
globe quickly. As we purchase shavettes, chairs, the telephone,
razors, blades, brushes and shave doorknobs is this: If you can’t
accouterments from global sources soak it, spray it. If you can’t spray
we would be wise to first clean and it, wipe it. We use a combination
then disinfect any item which could of the products. For the home
potentially come in contact with the shaver the wipes would be a
face. Those with asthma or diabetes good idea to use on your razors
who are on medications run a greater at least once monthly. Make it
risk of contracting infection because a task the first of every month
many prescriptions, in combating the perhaps to, sanitize before you
condition, actually lower the immune stylize.
A few terms to understand include John Trout is the proprietor
the difference between sterilizing of The Delmar Barber Shop in
and sanitizing. Barber shops in Delmar, Delaware. He is Licensed
Right: most all states are not required to in three states as a professional
Barbacide sterilize. You could call that “overkill” barber and is officially Barbicide
solution in as sterilization is process that uses a certified.
water. steam and heat autoclave to destroy