Page 109 - Town of Newcomb Comprehensive Plan - 2010
P. 109

Town of Newcomb Community Survey
                                                   Landowner Responses
                                                     12 Total Responses

                   1. How important are each of the following factors in your decision to live or own property in the Town
                   of Newcomb? (Please rate each factor by checking the appropriate box).

                                      Very Important      Somewhat           Not Too          Not At All
                                                          Important         Important        Important
                   a. Born or raised in     4                 1                2                 5
                   b. Good schools          8                 1                1                 1
                   c. Good Town            11                 0                1                 0
                   d. Reasonable            9                 1                0                 1
                   e. Affordable            6                 2                1                 1
                   f. Housing               2                 7                0                 1
                   g. Safe community        8                 1                1                 0
                   h. Proximity to job      3                 3                1                 3
                   i. Proximity to          3                 5                0                 2
                   friends and family
                   j. Peace and quiet      10                 1                0                 0
                   k. Recreation            7                 3                0                 1
                   l. Natural beauty       11                 0                0                 0

                   2. On the whole, how would you rate the overall quality of life in Newcomb?
                   Excellent     5
                   Good          5
                   Fair          1
                   Poor          0

                   3. On the whole, how is the overall quality of life in Newcomb changing?
                   It is improving              1
                   It is staying about the same    5
                   It is declining              3
                   No opinion                   2

                   3a. Please add reasons for your response to question 3.

                   Negative Comments
                   No shopping (2)
                   No gas station (2)
                   Nothing for young people (2)
                   No businesses
                   Employment opportunities have decreased
                   No store
                   No diner

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