Page 111 - Town of Newcomb Comprehensive Plan - 2010
P. 111

6. What do you like least about living in Newcomb?
                   No gas station (2)
                   No stores (2)
                   Far away from family
                   Far away from everything
                   No food
                   No hardware
                   No dry goods

                   7. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with each of the following statements.
                   (Please mark only one response for each statement).

                    The Town of Newcomb    Strongly       Agree       Disagree      Strongly    No Opinion
                     Should Try to Attract   Agree                                  Disagree
                       the Following:
                   a. Small commercial        4             5            0             1            1
                   b. Forest product          3             4            2             0            1
                   c. Mining industries       2             5            2             0            1
                   d. Agriculture             0             7            2             0            1
                   e. Year round residents    3             7            0             0            0
                   f. Seasonal residents      4             4            1             0            0
                   f. Hikers, campers and     6             3            0             0            2
                   g. Historic and cultural   5             6            0             0            0
                   resource facilities and
                   h. Tourists interested in   9            2            0             0            0
                   nature/natural beauty
                   i. Recreation facilities   3             6            0             0            0
                   j. Senior                  4             5            1             0            1
                   k. Youth facilities        1             8            1             0            0
                   l. Health care facilities   5            5            0             0            0
                   l. Affordable housing      2             6            1             0            1
                   m. Telecommunications      3             6            0             0            1

                   8. In regards to economic growth and the environment, please circle the number that is closest to your
                   point of view:

                   Protecting the environment                                Economic growth and creating
                   should be given priority, even                            jobs should be the top priority
                   if it causes slower economic                              even if the environment suffers
                   growth and some loss of jobs.                             to some extent.

                   1                  2                  3                  4                  5                  6                  7                  8                  9                  10
                   1                   2                   3                   4                   5                   6                   7                    8                     9

                   Average is 4.11

   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116